I’ll start today’s catch up with a little disclaimer; I ‘preach’ a lot about consistency, and it’s true that consistently doing something makes it easier in the long run. That said, taking a break every now and then is also very important.
🌴 Taking a small rest and creating some distance from something that you do consistently will give you a chance to replenish your enthusiasm.
🌴 Giving your mind and body some downtime to re-energize means that you’ll be back with more will and inspiration than before! Nothing like a fresh start to help you move forward in whatever it is you’re working on 🙌
🌴 A small break exercise, from practicing your sport, hobby, or work. The important thing is that you commit to jumping right back in afterward!
I took a break from posting on social media for a few days while I was in London. It was much needed after posting daily and sometimes twice daily for the past months. It sometimes gets tiring creating all the content, making sure you have the right videos and photos…and making sure it’s fun and interesting. When it starts feeling too much like a chore, a little break goes a long way and it helps me to remember that I can relax and have fun with it and put less pressure on myself 😄
Taking small breaks consistently is a great habit to cultivate! Check out this short video for a few other habits, that have literally changed my life 👊
Until the next catch up, I wish you a day full of rest and relaxation 🥰
Much love,
Angele ❤